Protein powders are great for building muscle, but so many athletes are still unaware of the differences between these protein powders and how they can affect your shape and size.
Of course, proteins are aimed at building muscle, however, if its bulk muscle building you’re after, you may need to delve a little deeper to discover the different products available and how you can get the desired results when working out.
Come and take a look...
Bulk Muscle Building, what is it?
BMB is exactly what it says on the tin, its building muscle in bulk format, going for big growth rather than the lean muscle that some athletes may look for.
To get an understanding of how bodybuilders work, they will aim to up their protein intake, as well as upping their calorie counts, by some distance.
Without this extra calorie intake, the muscles will struggle to find extra energy and will, therefore, struggle to bulk in size.
The calories will provide the energy, whilst the protein provides a much-needed boost of amino acids, which are vital to help rebuild and repair the muscles during heavy weight lifting activities.
Amino acids also protect your body from using those valuable muscle stores for extra energy. In essence, more food and more amino acids mean your body doesn’t feel the need to use any of your muscle stores for energy, which would stop your bulk building in its tracks.
Types of proteins to look out for
You’ll want to make sure you avoid anything that is diet or lean in the title. Instead, look for products that are ideal for bulking. These will include ample protein as well as carbohydrates and fats. It’s not the usual approach to picking a protein, but for bulking there needs to be an influx of calories to work effectively.
These proteins can be difficult to consume due to the filling nature, so it’s best to try and gradually consume the shakes as the day goes by, when you first wake up or even as you’re going to bed.
Types you can look out for are whey, casein, soy, pea or rice protein. You will even find various products that contain a combination of any of the above.
How we can help?
We’re fully aware of how hard it can be to bulk muscle, that’s why we have designed a range of powders and tablets, which will give you the ability to get the desired weight and physique you want.
Our Ultimate Anabolic Mass is one of our best-selling products, allowing users to stimulate muscle protein synthesis, and quickly aid recovery after those tough workouts.
We highly recommend the use of the All-In-One Protein which has proven to show the support in the building of lean muscle mass.
Another favourite is the X-Treme Pump Pre-Workout which helps to increase muscular pump, as well as speeding up the muscular development process.
You can check out our full range of products that can encourage muscle building here.
For any further questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our social channels, our friendly team will be more than happy to help.