Want to improve yourself? Fancy going to the next level? Well now you can! Here are the top GHN products Clare recommends and uses every day. What are you waiting for?
Clare Edmond
Full Name: Clare Edmond
Professions: GHN Sponsored Athlete | UKUP Bikini Athletic Competitior | Equine Groomer
Bio: Clare is based in Newcastle and works as a freelance equine groomer.
Clare who is a plant based athlete has been into fitness for 16 years. She taught boxercise and aqua aerobics and is also a qualified gym instructor.
3 years ago Clare decided to start bodybuilding and this has lead to her competing in her first show in October 2021. Clare placed 4th in the UK Ultimate Physiques bikini athletic category and plans to continue in this category and also compete in figure athletic in April 2022. Clare is also starting her Personal Training courses as she loves to motivate and encourage anyone wanting to get into fitness or progress in their level of fitness.
Clare is very excited to be part of GHN & recommends the product range to help her achieve physical improvements.
"GHN is a very supporting brand towards their customers and athletes. Their products have great value and quality and they are a very authentic brand with excellent morals"
About GHN
GH Nutrition was founded in 2015 by an ex-professional sportsman Grant Hodnett and is based in Warrington, Cheshire, UK. Whether it's better nutrition, a healthier lifestyle, or that next big competition, GHN is the ultimate in providing the products you need to achieve your physical performance and results.