Jo Thompson


Want to improve yourself? Fancy going to the next level? Well now you can! Here are the top GHN products Jo recommends and uses every day. What are you waiting for?

Full Name: Jo Thompson

Professions: GHN Sponsored Athlete | Regional Pure Elite Competitor

Bio: Jo is 29 who works in education and is based in Berkshire, United Kingdom. Jo has always had a love for sport but her passion for fitness really began as a teenager. She began weight training more seriously in her twenties when she moved to London, and her biggest regret is not starting sooner.

This year Jo decided to challenge herself by booking a photoshoot. With the help of her incredible coaches Tom and Aston, she embarked on an 8 week journey, sticking to a food and training plan. Following the shoot, Jo was encouraged to compete and is due to step on stage in November this year with the federation Pure Elite. Throughout both journeys, not only has she learnt the importance of self-belief and discipline but also the importance of the right supplements.

Jo uses and recommends GHN to help peak performance and success when it comes to the gym and reaching your goals. She cannot wait to see what the future holds as she begins her partnership with GH Nutrition.

About GHN

GH Nutrition was founded in 2015 by an ex-professional sportsman Grant Hodnett and is based in Warrington, Cheshire, UK. Whether it's better nutrition, a healthier lifestyle, or that next big competition, GHN is the ultimate in providing the products you need to achieve your physical performance and results. 


"The products are great and there's nothing better than a GHN Whey protein shake after a tough session - especially during the gruelling weeks of pre-season!" 

Helen Ward, Watford LFC & Wales